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Don't break your chain!

As we all know from the ancient proverb: A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. We know this to be true, but do we really know what that means? When I reflect on my experience with my own business, I can look back at the weakest link and where and why they had failed. The truth is, the failure and break in the chain was me. As a leader, I was the weakest link. The real failure was in my direction and command as the captain of the ship. I had not developed exactly what my expectations were of my team or individual players or how to properly guide them into the role I needed them to play. I have learned many lessons over the years, the biggest being: ask for what you want, keep showing them how to execute it until they get it exactly how you want it, then give them the freedom to fly and expand upon the lesson you’ve provided. Let them bring their specialties and personalities, but teach them to reflect your overall message. Teach them, don't cage them and let them explore their own creativity within the framework you’ve established. Another lesson learned is to avoid being so controlling in your command that you don't give others room to bring their own gifts to the table which can help make your business, your product, your service the best it can be. Micromanaging can also make you the weakest link. I personally feel that it is always important to look at the big picture when there is a weak link that you're not happy with and ask yourself first, how did I participate in this weakness? How can I fix it and get back to work? How can I prevent this from becoming a problem again? The most imperative point in any type of business is to make sure that what you're doing has true intention of your plan and is monetizable - something you have a passion for that can also make money and grow from what you are doing - this vision and focus creates a very strong chain. Here are some simple characteristics to tell if each player on your team is a strong link: a) Lets go of the past -Wrong turns and mistakes must be let go of in order to learn and move forward b) Takes risks -The willingness and courage to take chances and think outside of the box promotes growth and positive change c) Walks the walk - Leading by example and doing exactly what they say they're going to do shows follow-through and accountability d) Sets specific goals -The ability to remain organized and prioritize what needs to get done promotes efficiency and productivity c) Sticks to it -The ability to be resilient and not give up until the goal is completed is imperative to any team If you are seeing that any of these areas in your chain are weak, figure out why that specific area or that link is weak and correct it immediately. But make certain that you don't just talk the talk - walk it yourself - and show your team that you are a strong link – I guarantee, they will follow. Until next time...

think it . dream it . do it


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