Let's Make Biscuits
These are super trying times. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is hitting full force and we are all hunkering down and staying in. The stuff of...

Grab a cup of coffee, let's chat. The topic...Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
Yada-yada-yada. You know the saying, Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained. Super true and a super scary mountain to tackle. As an...

Ask the right questions in order to improve your product!
The pursuit of both product development and entrepreneurial advancement relies on the role of several good questions. Ask in order to...

So much to do, so little time!
I’m sure that as a product manager, you wear a lot of caps in your company and, like me, can sometimes struggle to plan your time...

Our Top 9 Baby & Mom Product Trade Shows for 2018
To get the idea of how continuous the natural baby and mom product industries are changing and growing, simply take a look around at the...

What's Your Story
The Significance of Story Marketing, in its most effective form, is a passion project. In essence, it works to call attention to the...

Spring Into Cleaning
Spring is upon us… and that means it’s time for a proper spring cleaning! As the calendar turns to April and the flowers begin to bloom,...

New Year – New Changes
It’s been a bit since I blogged. Besides being caught up in the holidays, I was caught up in making some decisions on changes to happen...

It's The Climb
It is well understood that positivity is key to a successful and happy life. The same is true when it comes to your business. Your...

Let's Play Legos AND Build Each Other UP
The private sector is notorious for being cut throat, unapologetic and hyper-competitive. The best salesman wins another meal for the...