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Do You Know Who Your Mentor Is?

So I've been thinking a lot about mentors and what that specific role means to me in my life. I always think that I want to do everything on my own and that I don't need help when it comes to me personally. But the truth is, even the best psychologist has a psychologist. It’s okay to look to somebody who is more knowledgeable than you to offer you something mentally and emotionally that you might be in need of. Heck, I'm constantly on the food network looking for tips and advice to make me a better cook, to give me great ideas and just to help me be an awesome mom and wife in the kitchen. Of course I love to hear how good my meal is, but there are times when I hear "eh, don't make it again." For moments like these, those cooking ladies on the TV are my cooking mentors!

Why wouldn't I want that for my business as well? There are so many people that are capable of touching your life in a meaningful and helpful way. Sometimes they come to you in the most remarkable ways and surprise you with whom they are. Here's a shocker for me: my dad. I avoided and hated (yes strong word, but it was so not fun! lol) going to him for homework help when I was young. He could spread one math problem to an hour and a half…it was torture!!! Whenever I told my mom I needed help she would say "go ask your father" and I would fight tooth and nail not to. But guess what, now he comes to my house every Thursday night for dinner and we sit and talk. Sometimes, when I'm lucky, he gives me little golden nuggets of wisdom from his years as a consultant and marketing guru for multiple very large companies. I am so fortunate that I have that resource at my fingertips, despite not feeling so lucky when I was younger. Now, the value of his knowledge to me is priceless! Other surprise mentors: my children. My kids make me think about things that I wouldn't normally think about in ways in which I wouldn't think about them. They challenge me and force me to delve deeper into who I am and the “why” of things, rather than the “what”. I have actively sought mentors in my industry. I talk to more successful, more experienced people that I admire just to gain a little knowledge and bit of their magic. Just making that connection has done wonders for my business and me as a person. My biggest suggestion for anyone: open yourself up. Open your mind and your spirit to having a person who can offer you a bit of their experience and knowledge and mentor you, even if it's just a quick chat over a virtual cup of coffee. Having someone to bounce ideas off of and get feedback from can make a huge difference for you. Opening up yourself to the knowledge and wisdom that other people can offer and understanding that you don't know everything, goes a long way in winning the ultimate prize. Once you've made it, perhaps you can pay it forward and help someone on their journey to success. Talk again soon.. think it . dream it . do it Kelli :)

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