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Fresh Ideas!

Congratulations! You have an idea for a business. Now what!

Is it a Fresh Idea? First and foremost you need to get feedback to find out not only if others will think your idea is as genius as you do, but it's 100% not out there already. The last thing you want to happen is that you put effort and money into creating your product only to find out that it is already being made and sold.

It is also a super-must to make sure that if the product is a go that the name you have chosen to trademark has the green light. All too often an entrepreneur moves ahead with creating and selling their product only to find out that they have to change their name that they have been branding. What a waste of time, effort and money. Do your homework and research and have a trademark and patent (if patentable) search done to make sure you are in the clear. Cross your t's, dot your i's and do the work up front and not when the movie is half over.

Find out if your product fills a need, has a market (i.e. people who think it is useful and would pay money for it) and that your name and identity (look) that you give your brand, which includes packaging, website, and any printed material is catchy. Lastly, and in my opinion most importantly, make sure that it is at a price point that a potential customer will not only find your product appealing but will buy it.

There are many steps in between creating a product and getting it launched. If you follow these key ingredients you may have that Fresh Idea that becomes the next big thing!

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